[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Law Enforcement Services (95) ]
Law Enforcement Records/Files
Programs that maintain and, where appropriate, provide access to records and/or files kept by federal, provincial or local police agencies, the courts or other agencies that relate to the investigation of individuals or organizations suspected of criminal activity; the commission and reporting of crimes; the arrest of criminal suspects; the indictment, conviction and sentencing of criminal offenders; and/or the confinement, probation/parole and release of offenders.
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Law Enforcement Agencies
City, county, provincial or federal government agencies or university departments that are responsible for preserving peace, protecting life and property, preventing and detecting crime and apprehending and arresting suspects. Also included are special constabularies that have full peace officer powers but only within limited jurisdictions, e.g., public parks, public transit facilities, public housing projects.
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911 Services
Programs that operate a telephone response service staffed by trained personnel who assess requests for emergency assistance and dispatch the appropriate emergency response agency (law enforcement, fire, paramedics/EMTs or ambulance services).
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.