You performed a search for: Organization: Links2Care, Oakville, Care at Home for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities

There are 1 record(s) that match your criteria.

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Burlington Burlington
Halton Hills Halton Hills
Hamilton (City of) Hamilton (City of)
Milton Milton
Oakville Oakville
Links2Care, Oakville, Care at Home for Seniors and Adults with Disabilities
Visits are currently socially distanced, outside. Location of clients vary by community.
  • Interact professionally in accordance with Links2Care Code of Conduct and Human Rights Act.
    • Maintain complete confidentiality of client information in accordance with Links2Care 
    confidentiality/privacy policy.
    • Maintain a safe and healthy work environment.
    • Visit or call client on a consistent, weekly basis.
    • Engage in friendly conversation and leisure activities that both parties enjoy, such as playing 
    cards or sharing a hobby as per client interests, in order to develop a respectful, friendly, caring 
    • Maintain contact with the Coordinator, informing them of any concerns and receiving 
    instructions to meet client and Links2Care goals.
    • Maintain communication with the client in the event of any schedule changes.
    • Complete and submit a monthly volunteer time record.
    • Maintain calmness in emergencies, with an ability to assist in a crisis.
    • Participate in annual volunteer survey.
    • Perform other duties as assigned. 

    Time Commitment of 1-2 hours per week. 

    Currently looking for English, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Russian, German speaking men and women in Halton. Other languages as needed.