You performed a search for: Organization / Program Name(s): Sexual Assault & Violence Intervention Services of Halton (SAVIS)

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Burlington Burlington
Halton Hills Halton Hills
Hamilton (City of) Hamilton (City of)
Milton Milton
Oakville Oakville
Crisis Line Volunteer   Burlington  Halton Hills  Milton  Oakville 
Sexual Assault & Violence Intervention Services of Halton (SAVIS)
Offsite - from home

24 Hour Crisis Line Volunteer with a commitment of at least 6 hours per month (minimum of 1 - 4 hour shift per week). 
- Support survivors of sexual assault and violence (and their support people) on the SAVIS 24 hour crisis line using an anti- 
racist/anti-oppression feminist framework 
- Complete SAVIS crisis line training and evaluation  
- Agree to work a minimum of 16 hours per month on the crisis line  
- Must attend monthly volunteer meetings - 2 hours in length maximum - in addition to crisis line shift 
- Schedule shifts with Crisis Line Coordinator 
- Submit call logs after each shift