[ Browse by Service Category : Education : Sub-Topics of Educational Institutions/Schools (59) ]
Alternative Education
Educational programs at all levels within or outside the formal education system that provide innovative and flexible instruction, curriculums, grading systems, learning environments or degree requirements, a return to traditional educational values, or other alternatives to the ordinary system of instruction.
Boards of Education
Local agencies or boards that are organized for the purpose of governance and management of schools within a jurisdiction. Boards of education generally share power with a larger institution such as the government's department/ministry of education.
Early Childhood Education
Programs that provide educational activities and experiences for children from birth to age five which are intended to foster social, physical, emotional and intellectual growth and prepare them for further formal learning.
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Indigenous Schools
Elementary and secondary schools based within First Nations and Inuit communities in addition to schools in urban areas with a specialized focus on serving the needs of indigenous children and youth. Indigenous schools operate within a cultural context and usually offer instruction in Aboriginal languages.
Postsecondary Institutions
Programs that provide opportunities for individuals who are beyond the compulsory school attendance age to acquire a higher level of knowledge, skills and specialization in their chosen area of interest within the framework of phased learning in a formal school setting.
Private Schools
Educational institutions for students in grades K-12 (or 1-12) that are established, controlled and financially supported by private organizations.
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Public Schools
Educational institutions for students in grades K-12 (or 1-12) supported by public funds that provide a formal education through a graded system of instruction that focuses initially on basic skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics and later on a broader curriculum of study which terminates in preparation for specific employment opportunities or undergraduate study at the postsecondary level. Some provinces retain two systems of public education, generally known as "public" and "separate". Depending on the history/demographics of a particular area, the "separate" system may be either Catholic or Protestant in its traditions. However, all funded schools follow standard curriculums along with the specific terms and conditions of all provincial educational legislation and directives.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.