[ Browse by Service Category : Legal Services : Sub-Topics of Estate Planning Assistance (8) ]
Advance Medical Directives
Programs that provide assistance for people who want to use the tools appropriate in their province to express their wishes regarding future medical treatment should they become incapacitated and/or to name the individual they would like to make health care decisions on their behalf. Included are programs that provide copies of necessary forms as well as those that help people complete them.
Durable Power of Attorney for Asset Management
Programs that provide assistance for people who want to officially authorize another individual (and one or more alternates) to handle important matters such as bill paying, contracts, investments, taxes, estate planning or a business in the event that the individual becomes incapacitated. There are two kinds of power of attorney: a power of attorney which takes effect immediately upon signing, and a springing power of attorney which does not take effect unless and until the individual becomes incapable of handling his or her own affairs (and expires if the person regains capacity.)
Life Care Planning
Programs that provide assistance for people with disabilities and their families who want to develop a comprehensive life plan which ensures a secure future for the person should the parents become incapacitated or die. Components of the plan may include goals for the individual with a disability; protection for the individual's spouse and/or dependent children; decisions regarding place of residence, health care, personal care, education and employment; identification of community resources to meet the individual's needs; provisions for financial security; appointment of an advocate or guardian to support the individual; and preparation of a Last Will and Testament, durable power of attorney, living trust, special needs trust or other legal mechanism for ensuring that the provisions of the life plan will be implemented as required.
Post Mortem Estate Administration
Programs that are responsible for the management and disposition of an individual's assets according to provincial law when that individual has died intestate, or according to the terms and conditions of the will when the individual has neglected to name an executor. Arrangements for estate administration may also be made as a part of the will (if beneficiaries are unable or unwilling to manage family assets) or by the beneficiaries themselves if they wish to dispose of a piece of property or make arrangements for the management of a business. Estate administration involves inventorying the decedent's assets, notifying creditors, paying federal and provincial income taxes and estate taxes, making specific bequests per the terms of the will or trusts and distributing the remaining assets to beneficiaries.
Trust Administration
Programs that are responsible for the management and/or distribution of property that is held in trust.
Will Preparation Assistance
Programs that provide assistance on an individual or group basis for people who want to draft a Last Will and Testament which leaves instructions for the disposition of their property following their death and need assistance in ensuring that the document is properly written. Also included are programs that provide copies of the Last Will and Testament form that is valid in their jurisdiction.
The above terms and definitions are part of the Taxonomy of Human Services, used here by permission of INFO LINE of Los Angeles.