[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Disease Prevention Programs (15) ]

Disease/Disability Specific Screening/Diagnosis

Programs that offer screening and/or in-depth diagnostic procedures that establish the presence of a targeted disease, disability, condition or disorder and/or which provide a logical foundation for ongoing treatment.

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Chronic Disease Self Management Programs

Health care programs that provide multidisciplinary education, training and support regarding recommended therapeutic regimens, medical procedures and self-care for adults, adolescents and/or children who have undergone surgery or who have chronic conditions (such as diabetes, asthma/COPD, kidney disease/ESRD, heart disease/hypertension and AIDS) that require ongoing management, and/or for family members who may be involved in their care or affected by their condition. The objective of these programs is to empower patients to manage their own chronic conditions in partnership with their health care providers. Chronic disease self management assistance may be provided in a variety of settings including classes/workshops, individual counselling sessions and as home-based services, particularly in situations where conditions in the home have an impact on the individual's illness. Chronic diseases are illnesses that are prolonged, do not resolve spontaneously, and are rarely cured completely.

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Disease/Disability Information

Programs that provide information about the causes and origins, preventive measures, symptoms, screening/diagnostic procedures, and/or methods of treatment or management including the latest research for specific illnesses or disabling conditions.

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Physical Activity and Fitness Education/Promotion

Programs that promote the benefits of an active lifestyle and encourage people of all ages to participate in regular physical activity as a means of improving health, preventing disease and enhancing the overall quality of their lives. The programs may be tailored for specific populations such as children, adolescents, older adults, employees or people with disabilities; and generally explain why physical activity is important, offer suggestions regarding easy ways to integrate physical activity into a daily routine (such as taking the stairs, going for a walk or parking further away than one usually does), describe specific benefits that can be experienced (such as building strong bones, strengthening muscles, maintaining flexibility, achieving and maintaining ideal weight, maintaining cardiovascular health, meeting new friends and improving physical self-esteem), and provide guidelines for the type and level of activity that is required to develop and maintain fitness or achieve other health-related goals.

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Wellness Programs

Programs that offer individual and/or group sessions which assist participants to understand how their lifestyle impacts their physical and mental health and to develop personal practices that enhance their total well-being. Wellness programs are holistic and combine a variety of components which may include a general physical examination that is tailored to the individual's needs; an evaluation of the person's pattern of exercise, eating habits, sources of stress and other lifestyle elements that are potential risk factors; and the development and implementation of an individualized plan for prevention management and early intervention to optimize health and performance which may include physical fitness sessions, nutrition counselling, stress reduction techniques, biofeedback, practice in assuming responsibility for one's choices, and other specific measures for avoiding physical and mental health problems.

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Condition Specific Treatment

Programs that provide comprehensive medical and/or surgical services on an inpatient or outpatient basis for people who have a targeted disease, condition or disorder.

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Physical Fitness

Programs that provide activities for people who want to improve their strength, flexibility, endurance, muscle tone, reflexes, cardiovascular health and/or other aspects of physical functioning.

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Tobacco Use Education/Prevention

Programs that provide information about smoking and nicotine addiction, the dangers associated with smoking or utilizing other substances containing nicotine, the risks associated with exposure to second hand smoke and different approaches to smoking cessation with the objective of preventing people from starting to smoke or of helping them find a way to give up the habit if they already use tobacco products. Included may be printed materials or videos that address the subject and presentations in schools and agencies and to family groups.

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Smoking/Vaping Cessation

Programs that utilize one or a variety of techniques including aversion therapy, hypnosis, acupuncture, acupressure, and individual and/or group therapy or mutual support groups to help people who wish to control their dependence on nicotine and give up regular cigarettes, e-cigarettes (vaping), cigars, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff or other substances containing nicotine. Included are smoking "quitlines" which provide information and counselling about tobacco use for people who prefer a telephone-based service. While some people tout e-cigarettes as a way to give up smoking regular cigarettes, mounting evidence shows that teens and young adults who use e-cigarettes are far more likely to end up smoking traditional cigarettes one year later.

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