[ Browse by Service Category : Topics Related to Medical Expense Assistance (19) ]

Medical Public Assistance Programs

Programs that provide financial assistance to ensure that low-income and indigent individuals and families have access to essential medical services.

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Temporary Financial Assistance

Programs that provide assistance for people who are experiencing an unexpected financial crisis and have insufficient resources to obtain essential services or to meet expenses in situations where financial assistance related to their specific circumstance is unavailable. Monetary assistance may be in the form of immediate cash, loans, cheques or vouchers.

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Coroner Services

Programs that conduct investigations, inquests, postmortem examinations and laboratory tests to determine the cause, manner and circumstances of death in all cases of natural death when the individual was unattended by a physician, and in all cases of unnatural death (homicides, suicides, accidents or deaths of a suspicious nature). The coronor's office is also responsible for correctly identifying the deceased and for making proper disposition of the remains. Also included are programs that pay for autopsies when required.

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Mental Health Expense Assistance

Programs that pay the mental health care expenses of people who are unable to obtain necessary care without assistance. Mental health expense assistance programs may have age, income, disability, need or other eligibility requirements.

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