Contact Information

Office Phone Employment Ontario Contact Centre: 1-800-387-5656, Toll Free
TTY Phone 1-866-533-6339, Toll Free
Social Media Facebook Facebook, Instagram Instagram, LinkedIn LinkedIn, Twitter Twitter
Primary Contact Kathy Gilbert, Senior Project Lead, MLITSD; Email:

Agency Information

Legal Status (30) Provincial Government

Description and Service Details

Description (Service) Provides financial assistance to local communities, sector groups, employee/employer associations, and employers to address and respond to local economic development, labour force adjustment and human resource planning issues.
  • assists local communities with the development of innovative strategies to prepare for future skills requirements and prevent skills shortages within new and emerging industries and organizations
  • plans for effective utilization of local human resources
  • develops and promotes labour market intelligence and its use in labour market development
  • amounts awarded vary
Hours Mon-Fri 8:30 am-5 pm  
Closed statutory holidays
Areas Served Ontario
Boundaries Ontario
Eligibility Businesses and community agencies proposing projects that address a labour market issue, include two or more partners contributing financial or in-kind resources

projects are finite with clear start and end dates, and not dependent upon future funding

Preference to industry sectors experiencing one or more of the following -- projected growth rates in high-demand occupations, current or emerging issues impacting human resource requirements or labour market adjustment, current or projected skill shortages, potential for value-added growth and innovation

Residency Requirements: Ontario
Application Call the Employment Ontario Contact Centre
Languages English, French
Fees None

Site Information

Located In Community Toronto
Address & Map
Toronto, ON
View Google Map
Mailing Address Toronto, ON 
Physical Access Not Applicable

Categories and Classification

Agency Overview

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