You performed a search for: Organization: Support House, Head Office - Oakville, Housing Services

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Burlington Burlington
Halton Hills Halton Hills
Hamilton (City of) Hamilton (City of)
Milton Milton
Oakville Oakville
Board of Directors   Burlington  Halton Hills  Hamilton (City of)  Milton  Oakville 
Support House, Housing Services
Support House 201-165 Cross Ave Oakville

The Support House Board of Directors is composed of volunteers who work and/or live in Halton and surrounding communities. The Board is responsible for effective governance and leadership for the organization.

The time commitment required for a director of the Board is approximately 60–70 hours per year. Meetings are held monthly on the last Monday of a month, in the evening, at the Oakville office or virtually.

Preference will be given to candidates who have experience with any of the following:

·        Fundraising and Capital Campaigns

·        Legal services

·        Healthcare (clinical and/or administrative)

·        Community affiliation/access

·        Lived experience/caregiver of those with mental health and/or addiction

·        Policy Development

·        Grant Writing

·        Finance and Accounting

·        Risk management

·        Performance measurement

·        Government relations

·        Strategic planning

·        Marketing/PR/Communications

·        Voluntary management

·        Human resources